Quick Catch Up
Just a quick catch up to let you know I am still out here... and reading....
I tried Nick Hornby's A Long Way Down, but just could not get interested in the lives of the characters. They all meet intending to commit suicide from the top of a building on New Year's Eve, but manage to talk each other out of it - for now anyway. Problem is, the characters are not likeable. I did not really care whether they jumped or not. In fact, sometimes you wished they would so you could get to the end of the novel quicker.
I didn't finish, which lets you know exactly what I thought of the book. It's a shame as it was a list text, and I have great respect for Hornby in some ways. Maybe I'm just not into his Weltanschauung.
I'm back at an old favourite right now - Robert Jordan's (seemingly endless) Wheel of Time series. It's a fabulous fantasy epic, that has unfortunately been stretched out too much by the author. But one of my students is progressing through the series, and keeps bringing the books to class, so I have been inspired to give it another bash. I am into the last one of the series - the one after I gave up and decided it would never end.
Of course, my student thinks I am "cheating" by not reading them all again. But they are all 1000 pages long and this is Book 11! You'd never read another entry on this blog again, ever!
So, I will post again when I finish.