In Anticipation....

The last few books have admittedly not been my favourites...
Order of the Phoenix is not big on plot, and Half-Blood Prince failed to live up to my favourite Goblet of Fire - although the film version of this was really disappointing. Far too much cut out.
But the most recent film is actually pretty good, and reasonably faithful to the original text. There is not as much cut out - and far less "important" stuff cut out. Obviously what is and isn't in the final cut sets tongues wagging about Book 7. There were a couple of lines between Voldemort and Dumbledore that were missed that I thought may have been important... and that whole scene at the bginning that proves that Aunt Petunia is definitely in contact with, and receiving owls from, the wizarding world. Remember that Rowling said we will find out some important stuff about Petunia in the last book! But, I assume that Rowling has control over what does and does not make it into the film... so I guess these weren't as important as I thought.
Oh, stop me... I can go on and on about Harry Potter theories.
After all, that's what is so good about this series, the way Rowling has planted important hints and clues throughout the seven books. I can hardly wait to see how Deathly Hallows pans out.
I also really enjoyed reading Half-Blood Prince again, and more than I enjoyed it the first time.
Five days and counting!
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