Knife of Dreams

The Chosen are directed towards Mat and Perrin, but Semirhage advances on Rand anyway, destroying his hand with balefire. She is captured, and will no doubt prove an important part of the next book (oh when??). She has valuable information to share with Rand - and "helpfully" shares the truth about Rand hearing the voice of Lews Therin Telamon with Min, Cadsuane and others. Again, we see even more evidence that Rand is being irrevocably changed by the One Power. He is colder than ever - a far cry from the boy we met in Emond's Field in Eye of the World. When he loses his hand, he does not even mourn, but simply moves on.
Perrin rescues Faile from the Shaido, but gives up his claim to the Manetheran legacy when bargaining with the Seanchan. Their relationship may become more complicated now though, as Faile was attracted to another man in her imprisonment and Perrin seems to be showing more regard for Berelain (perhaps she has more of a role to play, as she appeared in Min's viewings of Perrin).
Elayne struggles with her pregnancy (Rand's twins) but wins the Lion Throne. She fights six sisters of the Black Ajah, but is confident as Min has promised her babies will be born healthy. Aviendha (who is to bear him quadruplets at some point in the future, according to Min's visions) returns to the Aiel waste to continue her training as a Wise Woman.
Again, it is a fascinating glimpse into this saga, but I worry about finishing up the series, now that Jordan has passed. It may have gone on too long - and this is certainly why I stopped reading the series a few years ago. But, I was not disapointed with Knife of Dreams. Jordan is still the master, but someone will have to try and match him if we are ever to reach Tarmon Gaidon!
Labels: Robert Jordan, Wheel of Time
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