Monday, April 09, 2007

Lost in Web of Stories

Clearly any story that inspires a title like this, must be a plus for a Jasper Foorde fan like me! (By the way, "First Among Sequels", the new Thursday next novel comes out on July 19th).
So, I have finished "The Ringmaster's Daughter". The main character, Petter (Little Petter Spider) is like a viaduct for the creative unconscious - he is full of story ideas. And if he doesn't write them down, they kind of drive him mad. Fortunately, Petter recognises that he can make some money from this compulsion, and begins selling story ideas to those writers he knows with writer's block. It is a very lucrative business for Petter - but one that the reader knows cannot last long. Petter Spider's web must come crashing down on him one day. It is interesting how this occurs, but unfortunately a little predictable. I would have liked to have seen something a little more original from Gaarder, given his reputation (although I must apologise - I am one of the five people in the world who have NOT read "Sophie's World" - it was a bit of a fad novel when it came out and I stubbornly gave it a miss).
I am now waiting for someone to take up some of the story ideas in the book - much like the Calvino. The novel could act in the very same fashion that Petter did himself. Think of it as an advertisement - Writer's Block, anyone? Just read blah blah and so on.
Anyway, so much to read and so little time.
Catch ya soon.....

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